
  • Project

Kick-off Meeting of Carbon Farming MED

2 Mar, 2024

The kick-off meeting of the Carbon Farming MED project was held on 29 February and 1 March 2024, at Casa Convalescència, UVIC-UCC, in Vic, Spain. Funded by the Interreg Euro-MED programme, this groundbreaking initiative aims to integrate the agricultural sector in the Mediterranean region into the carbon credit market.

Coordinated by the UVic-UCC’s BETA Technology Centre, the project focuses on assisting Mediterranean countries in achieving the EU’s 2035 climate mitigation objectives, particularly in agriculture, land use, and forestry, with a specific emphasis on climate neutrality.

Carbon Farming MED advocates for a resilient and sustainable agricultural system by establishing the first cross-border platform in the Mediterranean region for the buying and selling of carbon credits. This platform is pivotal in advancing carbon farming as a viable green business model, promoting the adoption of sustainable agricultural practices, and supporting the EU’s climate neutrality goals through improved carbon removals.

The kickoff meeting marked the beginning of an initiative that aims to enhance sustainable agriculture in the Mediterranean, fostering collaboration and innovation. It underscores a commitment to support Mediterranean countries in meeting EU climate goals, promoting resilience, and ensuring sustainability in the region.